Sunday, December 12, 2010

life has been busy

Wow, it's been a while since i've blogged-life has been a working wife and mother now! I haven't even been able to read any blogs that I follow. I feel out of the loop. I guess I would call this the "adjusting" phase. Some of us are adjusting better then others. Michael was introduced to solo parenting he had a few rough days, but believe it or not the house is still standing and the kids are alive. I was introduced to driving in blizzard conditions. I managed to make my way home safe and sound...maybe because I didn't drive like all of the other idiots who find their way in a ditch.
Training was a bit overwhelming and boring. I felt like I was being taught a second language. A lot of times our instructor sounded like the Teacher from the cartoon Charlie Brown. I remember when I went through training at UOP (University of Phoenix) I felt like I was never going to get it. They said it takes 6 months to start to get it. I would think to myself that seems a little long. Boy was I wrong! And now I'm sitting in this training class and they said the same exact will take 6 months for us to feel like we're going to start to GET IT! I have 6 weeks left of training, so in 6 months I will update you on whether or not I'm getting it.
The kids are STILL sick. They got sick the first week of November...thanks to an inconsiderate mother who brought her daughter to our house who had a high fever, sneezing and vomitting. Well it definitely made it's rounds between the 4 of us and for some odd reason it seems like it maybe going away and then bam the symptoms are full force again. Michael ended up getting Strep out of it and I was the lucky one out of all of us who didn't seem to get as bad. I just wish this icky cold would go away...the only good that has come out of them being sick is their extraordinarily CUDDLY! At the moment Madalynn is sleeping in my arms. It's been too long since she's done this. I love cuddling.


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad you were able to drive in the snow! People think they're invisible but I personally drive like a grandma. I have two precious cargos in my car, why risk it?

Training is always boring. You'll do great once its over! A new job is always overwhelming at first :)

Hope you & your family start feeling better soon.

December 12, 2010 at 10:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I also nominated you for a blog award! Do it if you want! :) It's on my blog.

December 12, 2010 at 11:53 PM  

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