Monday, November 15, 2010

Officially Employed

I am so excited to announce that I am officially employed outside of HOME!  I recived the phone call this morning offering me a position at Xcel Energy as a Customer Service Associate.  I gladly and graciously accepted the position.  I will start on December 6th, as long as my Background check comes back clear.  I am not worried about that.  I actually do not have to worry about that anylonger.  I am proud to say I actually am able to say I have my GED!  I really really do this time.  And guess what....???  This is the first job that has asked for proof of my GED and I am actually going to be able to show them a legit, legal copy of my transcripts.  So many people wanted to see my fail and guess what...I did it!  I did it for me and I did it for my children.  I knew I could do it. 

Now don't get me wrong, I love staying at home with my children.  However, I am getting to the point where I need some time away.  They are 2 and almost 1.  I think they can manage with dad and daycare.  Besides i want some extra spending money for our family. 



Blogger Wine...Love...Happiness said...

I was wondering how long it was gonna take before you celebrated your GED! I'm rrally glad for you, you know that. I'm glad you didn't give-up. I think it's time you got out and met some new friends too, that's the Melis I definiteloy know. Keep me posted hon. Love you. XOXO

November 15, 2010 at 5:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's nice to have some adult time :)

Congrats on the new job & getting your GED. It's a big accomplishment. I'm proud of you too!

November 15, 2010 at 9:55 PM  

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