Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Please Call Me Back!!

Michael and I have been looking at houses to rent/rent to own over the last month. We have found a few that we really liked, but a no go. Unfortunately we have limited options due to having such terrible credit from our "younger and dumber days." We are planning on filing bankruptcy this year and look forward to having a fresh start.

Monday evening I was looking trough one of our local papers (The Shopper) and I happened to see an ad for a 4 bedroom for rent in a town nearby (Thorp). I immediately called on the listing and was told that it was actually out of city limits and about 16 miles SE from our current home. She advised me that it was a farm house and that it was available for $600 a month. So we made arrangements to go look at the house for tonight at 5pm. The drive seemed a little further then we would have desired, but it was a beautiful drive needless to say. Once we arrived at the house I fell in love all over again. The location was what I have dreamed of since I can remember! It is set off of a dirt road, the nearest neighbor is about a 1/4 of a mile from the farm, the yard is HUGE, the house is a typical farm house, but has such incredible potential. I was ready to sign papers that moment.

Once we left, I called the home owner and had to leave a message (I felt so anxious...I wanted her to answer that moment). I was like a teenager sitting by the phone all evening waiting for her crush to call and ask her to prom (smiling). I tried to not pester and call 10 times, but it was so hard...I only tried 4 or 5 times (lol).

It is now 10:30 at night and I still have not received a call back and I obviously won't tonight, but I am hoping with such intense anxiety that she calls me tomorrow (the earlier...the better) and tells me that the home is still available, and that it meets our requirements!

I want this so BAD!


Blogger Wine...Love...Happiness said...

I think it's so rude and inconsiderate that they didn't call back least to let yuo know what's going on...keep me posted! xoxo

May 23, 2010 at 9:54 PM  

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