Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Breakfast with a Toddler

How many of us moms have been told time and time again to be "consistent?". Easier said then done! When you have a toddler, who I consider to be a picky eater at times, it isn't always easy to be consistent. This morning, my toddler decided to wake up at 5am (probably due to a soaked diaper and falling out of his toddler bed). I am not the liveliest bird in the nest in the mornings, so I found 5 am to be a CHALLENGE! Most mornings my toddler will tell me "Eat, Eat, Eat" which typically means "hey mom I am starving, do you mind feeding me?" This morning he told me "Eat, Eat PIZZA!" Being the mom of the year...Of course I told him "you cannot have pizza for breakfast." NOT! In fact I gave him 2 slices (cold) and he even asked for cereal along with his pizza. So my toddler ate cold pizza and cereal for breakfast today. I do realize that this wasn't what most would consider to be your
average square meal, but it sure is in the eyes of my babe. So the moral of my story is...most mornings I may have put up a fight and not allowed pizza for breakfast, but this morning I broke the golden rule and wasn't consistent.


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