Friday, May 7, 2010


Have you ever woken from a dream and it felt so real? The images being so real? Did you feel like you actually lived it? Well I had one of those dreams yesterday morning. It left me feeling like I had truly experienced it. I felt like I had just walked out of the tv screen (if that makes any sense). My dream took place in Phoenix, Arizona and I was walking outside of a tall building, having had just finished prepping for my GED exam. It was a bright, sunny day. I called my dad to let him know that he could come and pick me up, since I had finished doing what I needed to do. He told me that it would be quite some time before he would be able to pick me up. That had me really agitated, so I decided to walk home; in route, I came to an intersection and all I could see was complete MAYHAM! The weirdest thing is that the sunny day turned into complete darkness. I saw a really tall man
standing at the intersection just standing there looking helpless. He was wearing a black jacket, white button down shirt and black pants. He appeared to be a Fire Chief. From what I could see there were 3 yellow fire trucks. Two were upside down and one of them was crushed into a pile of steel. It didn't even resemble a fire truck. I noticed that there were firefighters trapped inside of the two that were upside down. One image that stuck in my head was a females long, curly brown hair hanging out of the truck. The road was covered in shredded glass and metal. It looked like the road was paved with glass and metal instead of tar. I asked the man how this happened and he told me that the fire trucks were responding to an emergency call and they all collided at this intersection. I started to turn around and walk towards my vehicle (no idea how I had a vehicle all of the sudden) but as
I turned around, 3 school buses appeared at the scene of the accident and were all of the sudden part of the accident. The school buses were full of children who were on their way home from school. 2 school buses were turned upside down and one was upright, but lodged on top of something (I couldn't make out what the school bus was lodged on). As I was heading back to my vehicle I heard a female screaming orders at a tow truck. The tow truck was pulling the bus off of whatever it was lodged on and as it began to pull, I could see that both the truck and the bus were beginning to tip over. I started screaming "WAIT, WAIT" and I could hear that female voice again screaming "STOP!" It was too late the truck and bus flipped over and the bus did 2 complete flips before coming to a stop. All I saw were children being dying. There was nothing left of the bus.

I am not really sure why we dream what we dream, but there aren't many dreams that leave me with an anxiety attack. In fact I had a stomach ache all day yesterday due to the graphic nature of that dream. I decided to write about this dream only because I want to start keeping track of my dreams that have any kind of impact on me.


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