Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bedtime with a 2 year old

I used to look forward to this time of the day because it meant I was able to enjoy some "me" time. I was able to sit down and eat without being interrupted by "mommy this" or "mommy that." I didn't have to share my food with a sticky faced child who would spit it back on my plate if he didn't like it. That always helped with my diet. Who wants to eat after their toddler just regurgitated their food onto your plate!? Television was ALL MINE! I didn't have to watch any more Dora, Blues Clues, or Sesame Street. I could actually enjoy an adult program...not one of those programs either...get your head out of the gutter lol. I was even able to enjoy some hubby time!!

Boy have those days changed...and boy I sure do miss them!! My 2 year old suddenly is going through a phase where he acts terrified of "bedtime." It all started when we moved on June 1st of this year (4 months ago). No matter what we try to do to make this time more peaceful for him it seems to fail. We've tried putting him back into a crib, a portable crib, changed rooms for him, gone through several different types of nightlights, music, allowing him to take a book, a toy, a puzzle and flashlight and even a cup of water or milk to bed with him!! We are desperate for bedtime to be normal again! I feel helpless. It's a fight, a temper tantrum, to get him to bed. We've actually had to spank him to make him stay. Then once he does fall asleep he doesn't stay in his bed. He comes to our eventually. Not every night, but often enough. We have made bedtime a routine as always. Nothing has
changed other then the new house?! I've even questioned if there are evil spirits lurking in my house. I can't handle this any longer!!


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