Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 1 Letter - A Letter to a Stranger

I have chosen to write my letter to a mom who is currently 34 weeks pregnant with her 2nd child, has a 2 year old child and is going through a divorce. I have never met her, I in fact stumbled across her blog tonight and was so drawn to her for some reason. Obviously I now know why...for her to receive my letter.

Dear Jane Doe:

We have never met one another, but I would gladly like to get to know you. I am writing you because I decided to take on a challenge called "A Letter a Day." Day 1 was titled "A Stranger." So I chose you because by pure fate I stumbled across your blog and was so drawn to your story, I just had to keep reading. You are an incredibly strong woman. I commend you for waking up every day and facing each new challenge as it's dealt to you and remaining positive for your children. Not many people would be able to survive the amount of stress you have had to endure at such a young age in such a short amount of time. I pray that you and your children will be blessed continuously through life. I pray that you remain strong, and that God comforts you. Stand your ground "mama bear!"

I will be thinking of you!

God Bless
Melissa Geist


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