Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our little Nolan isn't so little!

We just wanted to update everyone on how our little man, who isn't so little anymore is progressing. We sure are amazed that God blessed us with such a precious little boy. He definitely fills our day with joy and laughter. Nolan just turned 8 months old on April 13th. Neither one of us can believe how fast he has grown up. No matter how many children you have, you forget so quickly how little they once were. Nolan has started crawling in the last month, sitting completely on his own, and in the last few days he has become a brave little man and begun pulling himself up, onto things. He is constantly babbling and of course he only says "dada". Mama is chopped liver since he is around me 24 hours a day. I wouldn't have it any other way. Nolan has aquired the nickname "pork chop" (thank you Aunt Kathy) due to his round frame, which is weighing in at 23 pounds and 28 inches long. He is about as round as he is long! He struggles with sitting up on his own due to the spare tire he has carrying around. I love chunky babies, they are adorable. Some of you have asked what size clothes he is now wearing and this may come as a shocker for you but his shirt size is between 18 months and a 2T. He wears size 12 to 18 month pants and 2T pajamas. He was genetically blessed with flinstone feet and wears a size 3 shoe. Unfortunately due to his abnormally fat feet it is very difficult buying shoes that are not wide width. We tend to wear slippers as shoes. Michael blames the width of his feet from cows stepping on them when he was a child, but Nolan doesn't have that excuse, so Michael you just have fat feet! I mean look at the size of your hands! Nolan went to the gastro doctor last month regarding his acid reflux and we were advised to keep him on his prevacid until he is about 15 months old. As long as it is working and preventing Nolan from becoming colicky we will continue refilling his prescription. Overall Nolan is a very healthy, happy, spoiled and loved baby! We are truly enjoying being Nolans' parents.


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