Monday, December 28, 2009


Wow it has been quite a while since I last blogged! I am not sure why I stopped because blogging is therapy for me.

This has been one heck of a year. We have had quite a few deaths that we have had to endure over the summer. I have not seen my 2 older boys in over 10 months now. I finally was able to speak to them a few weeks ago once we went to court and the judge enforced orders on their dad. We are so excited because we get our 1st visitation March of 2010 during their Spring Break. I can not believe Marcus is in kindergarten and David is in 3rd grade. I am such a proud mama of all my children.

I am scheduled to have my c-section in 3 days! We are both so excited to meet this baby. We have no idea what the gender is. I have had my feelings as to what I think it is and they differ each and every day. Either way we are excited and blessed that this baby choose us to be its parents. This pregnancy was very difficult for me. I have never not enjoyed being pregnant; however I have not enjoyed it this time a round. I had morning sickness the first 13 weeks, then it seemed as if I never got my energy back. I had a few days where I got a burst of energy, but it never lasted long. I haven't had the desire to cook or clean since the beginning of this pregnancy. That is very odd for me since those are two things I really enjoy doing. My moods were off of the road map. I think I have been bipolar this entire pregnancy lol! For some reason I was a rare case, but I managed to develop
"Pelvic Joint Dysfunction" early in the pregnancy. That sure took a toll on my body physically. I have never known what pain was until that crept up on me. I have felt like a very old woman. It is debilitating, not to mention embarrassing. I went to physical therapy for a few weeks, but there isn't anything that makes the pain subside so I decided to stop that for now. They say it typically goes away once you give birth, I only hope and pray for my sanity that is true. So I am definitely looking forward to this baby being born and my life returning to "normalacy" or what I think may be normal.

Nolan is now 16 months old. He is walking/running and has quite the vocabulary now. It seems like he says a new word every day. He is such an amazing little boy. He fills our lives with amazement. I know that Michael and I sure have enjoyed every second of being Nolan's parents. Some days are easier then others, but we wouldn't change a thing.


Blogger The Mastriana's said...

Very cute picture! You shoulds put it on FB

December 28, 2009 at 5:53 PM  

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