Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stanley, Wisconsin - The place we now call home!

Stanley, Wisconsin is the place we have now called home for almost two months. We are really happy that we finally made the decision to move here. It was quite the culture shock for me, but I have adapted. Besides change only promotes growth. Stanley is 420 acres, we have 14 churches, 1 grocery store, 6 bars, 3 gas stations, 1 school which includes grades kindergarten to 12th, and we absolutely do not have any stop lights! The Amish are a very big part of our community and yes their means of transportation is a horse and buggy! There are even hitching posts around town. We have a very strong community and everyone is so welcoming. Yes everybody knows everybody here! when we first moved here, Michael took a logging job and became my "Paul Bunion" (is that how you spell his name?. He lost a ton of weight and gained some sexy arm muscle! He eventually had to get a full time job and now works at a food processing plant. His hours are quite different from his job at Interior Solutions in Az. Michael is waiting for Scot to call him up and tell him that they are building an Interior Solutions right here in Stanley, WI. I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. I thoroughly am enjoying every day with Nolan. Despite the fact that I had a little bit of a difficult time adjusting, I can now say I love my new home!


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